We do our best to make sure our customers are fully protected from illegal activity from third parties, which is why we do not store your personal information unless absolutely necessary. We can provide information on products and services to you when we see you may need them. By entering your e-mail address on the website, you automatically agree to be notified of any incomplete order if such occurred.
You can fully trust us, as we use latest technologies to guarantee the security of your personal information when processing it. Your personal and credit card information will be encrypted with SSL technology before being sent to the website, which makes it impossible to intercept and use for fraudulent purposes. All the information, including the credit card information, is stored encrypted. Once the order is shipped out, information about you credit card is deleted from the database and no one can get access to it in any way, which is very important! The maximum period of credit card information storage is 7 days. Taking advantage of the latest technologies in the area of digital security, we offer the safest system of data processing and transmission for the information to be completely protected from third parties! You can trust us!
When processing your order, we gather information such as your name, delivery address, billing information, home address, e-mail address and credit card information. We gather all this information for you to order conveniently and for us to be able to process your order properly. All this information is securely stored on our server until the order is shipped out. We may use your e-mail address for sending promo offers or any other information relevant to your order, if you like us to. You can unsubscribe any moment. We never abuse your trust, which is why we do not usually send promotional e-mails like that more often than once a month. Our company does not sell or lease your data to any other people for marketing research purposes.
We may store non-personal information about your visit in your browser's cookies. This information may be about the pages you visited, the current session; the data you entered recently may also be stored temporarily to help you avoid entering it again. The website does not store any financial account information in the browser.